Several months ago, I purchased this creme eyeliner from Walgreens for only $1.99! Their price was actually messed up, because it's supposed to be $3.99. WOOHOO I SAVED $2. I had been looking into this because I heard lots of Youtube guru people raving about it, and it is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars on Good stuff.
So I bought it, and I said in a video that I would do a review on it very soon. If by very soon, I meant in a few months, then yes, here is the review!
I have to admit that, in the beginning, I did not like it. However, I later found that it was the brush that it came with, that I did not like. It comes with a mini angled eyeliner brush, and it's really crappy. So I stopped using that brush, and WA-LA! AND NOW I LOVE IT! As it promised on the back of the package, it is very versatile, as opposed to pencil or liquid liners. It is extremely easy to apply, and it doesn't dry too quickly or too slowly. One of the things I don't like about liquid liners is that they take longer to dry, so if I suddenly spasm and blink, then it messes up everything. Pencil liners, on the other hand, don't provide a bold enough line, so gel and/or creme eyeliners are the way to go! Once this Wet n Wild liner dries, (in a couple of seconds) it does not budge. It is definitely my go-to eyeliner for the upper lashline. (I don't like using this on my lower lashline because the color is a bit too harsh for me. I always use a brown liner on the bottom. Lately I've been loving the Wet n Wild MegaLiner Liquid Eyeliner in brown.) It usually doesn't smudge or flake, but on certain occasions, it has, and I'm not sure why. I find it semi- waterproof, because this one time I forgot I was wearing makeup, and I went and splashed my face with cold water, and it didn't come off! I was very proud, however because it's almost waterproof, it can be a hassle to remove at night. Just make sure you have a good makeup remover. I recommend the Estee Lauder one.
This was my first time trying out a gel/creme liner (I know gel and creme liners are slightly different, but the application is very similar), and I have to say I am very impressed, especially since this is a very low drugstore brand.
It has come to my attention that an agglomeration (trying to use some of my SAT vocab!) of people absolutely love to burn candles during the winter, mostly for the warm aroma. Bath and Body Works sells some amazingly yummy smelly three-wick candles (Frosted Cupcake, anyone?), but I'd like to remind everyone about the harms in burning candles.
I don't want to get too scientific and eco-friendly freak on you, but the burning of candles not only burns oxygen (which gives YOU less oxygen to breathe in), but also releases an abundance of carbon dioxide, which causes global warming. Why does too much carbon dioxide cause global warming? In a nutshell, carbon dioxide is known to insulate heat. Assuming that global warming IS happening, the great amount of CO2 will further cause the increased temperature to stay at its increased state. (Did that make sense?) So basically, it'll make our planet stay hot, like a blanket.
I know that candles smell oh-so-good, and I don't mean to make you feel guilty, but just a quick warning to not burn too many this holiday season!
I wish I had a Mac. I wish I had iMovie. I wish my computer would cooperate with Adobe Premiere CS4. I'm sure it's a wonderful editing software; it just doesn't want to work with me and my computer. ):
I've been trying to upload a video since Monday night, and it's still not working. Here's a play-by-play of what's been going on:
Monday night around 7 PM (after dinner):
Cindy goes into room to film. Does 3 takes to get it right. Finished filming, imports video into laptop, goes to to upload.
Upload 1- failed because laptop ran out of battery. NOOOOOOOO!
Upload 2- failed for no reason. WHYYYYY?!
Tuesday morning around 9 AM (after breakfast)
Cindy turns on laptop to re-upload. Decides to try uploading directly from camera instead of imported version from computer.
Upload 1- failed because accidentally unplugged camera from laptop. F!
Upload 2- failed for no reason. F U!
Wednesday morning around 9 AM (after breakfast)
Cindy goes to room to RE-FILM. Does 1 take. Finished filming, imports video into laptop, goes to to upload using Google Chrome, because I noticed that it's actually faster than Mozilla Firefox.
Upload 1- failed for no reason. FML
Upload 2- (using Mozilla Firefox again) STILL PENDING CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR ME!!
1:34 PM Update- UH OH I accidentally logged out of my account and then quickly logged back in. Since it had already finished uploading but did not finish processing, as far as I can tell, it's going to be okay. That doesn't mean that it will actually upload though, because the past five times, it said it finished uploading already, but the processing failed. WISH ME LUCK!!
1:51 PM Update- NOOOOOOO IT FAILED FML FML FML. )= I am now a very sad person. ): I guess Youtube just doesn't want me to upload a fishtail braiding video.
2:17 PM Update- I made a really short test video and IT WORKED. I'm not sure whether or not I should be happy about this.
6:40 PM Update- YAYAYAYAY I re-re-recorded it and it worked! here is the final video on 2 Ways to Fishtail Braid:
Hi guys! I don't know if you've noticed, but I made some minor changes to the main page of this blog. There used to be 7 posts per page, but since each of my posts are getting longer and longer (with more content, pictures, and videos), the load time of my blog has been increasing, so in efforts to maintain the speed of loadation (?!), I have shortened the number of posts per page to 3. Please do not hesitate to click the "Older Posts" button at the bottom right of the page, or view my Blog Archive for more posts.
Also, I have enabled a gadget that allows viewers to rate my posts out of 5 stars!
This is my collage of the best updos and downdos of beautiful hair for a formal or semi formal dance or party. My school is having Winter Formal next month, so this doubles as an organized hair idea thing for me. I will also be posting a list of dresses very soon. I've already made the post, but I don't want to publish it just yet, because my friends and I are going dress shopping later this week, so there might be ones that I like, and will take pictures of.
Cindy's Favorite Hair for Dances, Parties, etc. :
Saoirse Ronan, actress in "The Lovely Bones"
Is this still her? I can't really tell! I like the low, messier bun slightly more than the sophisticated tight one, as seen in the picture above.
Still her. a tight-ish low bun on the side. Possibly braided first and then twisted into a bun; can't really tell from this picture. (Introduced to this picture by
Small side French braid into a braided low bun. Probably some teasing of the crown involved. Courtesy of (Check out their website for more great stuff!)
Ashley Greene's lovely LOOSELY braided updo. Wish I could see the back, but her hair was probably curled first with a large barrel iron and then braided loosely and pulled back into a side bun ON THE SIDE I CAN'T SEE )=.
Although I'm not a fan of her dress in here, her hair does look beautiful, as usual! For those trying to replicate: curl hair with 3/4" iron, start from the bottom and pin hair towards center of the back of your head.
Really pretty side chignon :) I also love her earrings!
Keira Knightley is one of my favorites when it comes to messy updos.
What I like to call a low side pouf. It was probably tied with a hair tie first, then teased/back combed her hair A LOT and then pinning the ends around the hair tie to cover it up.
The back of Jessica Alba's low messy bun/ chignon
Although I strongly disapprove of smoking, her hair is looking pretty nice.
Pretty and relaxed hair was displayed in a Chanel No. 5 ad that I saw in a magazine, so I googled Chanel ads until I found it :) I like how it's very soft and loose.
Taylor Swift's half updo. Curl hair with a 1 inch curling iron and spray with hard hold hairspray; tease the crown by back-combing, and pin back; straighten bangs and sweep to one side.
Another version of the above, but a little more romantic because of the free curl on the other side, and with a little head band.
Zooey Deschanel is so cute! This is a really easy hairstyle: just take about a 1.5" piece of hair from the left side (ear area) and braid it, bringing it over to the other side and pin behind the ear. Curl the rest of hair with a 1.25" curling iron and run fingers through curls to loosen them up.
That's it for now, I shall add more if I see more I like (=
Yes, you heard me. There are some sellers on Etsy that give free shipping to the United States. *Cheers* I think most of them offer free or very cheap shipping to international buyers as well. *Claps* There are several sellers I've found that make the cutest accessories. Here are a few:
[and also, "WHY ARE THESE THINGS SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN FOREVER 21?" you may ask. Well, keep in mind that products of Forever 21 are made of crap from a factory of under-paid workers, and although the products may be just as cute, they probably fall apart within a year. Things sold on Etsy are hand-made by people who spent real time to make them, and thus are better than F21. Plus, they are one-of-a-kind, so get 'em fast before they're gone!]
"Recycled Tire Monster Coin Purse" $10.95
Unfortunately, this has already been sold, but click the link above to see similar ones that the seller makes.
These are all the things I've liked this month, and all the things I haven't. (=
Yes, I talk a lot.
Purpose Johnson and Johnson Gentle Cleansing Wash
Ecolips Lip Balm
Bath and Body Works Dancing Waters Body Butter
pHormulate 1r Shampoo
Sour Gummy Worms from Disneyland.
Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon Body Butter
Burt's Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit and Sugar Beet Conditioner
So here I am, avoiding doing homework as always, but today I will utilize my time a little more wisely.
If you're one of those people who just want to know whether or not I liked this movie, and why, then screw you. I'm telling a story.
Just kidding. I give it a 4.5 out of 5, and it is one of the (if not THE) most life-changing movies I have ever watched. The only reason why some of my friends don't like it, is because they watched it expecting a romantic comedy or a chick-flick. It's not; it's way better.
A few months ago, around late August or early September, I finally watched this movie, "500 Days of Summer" by myself at 5 AM. Why did you decide to watch it? When I was volunteering at the library one day, I saw this DVD on the return cart and decided to check it out, since I had seen this movie "liked" so many times on facebook by my friends. Why did you watch it by yourself, you loser? because it was 5 AM. Why was it 5 AM when you watched it? because the night/ morning before, I was sleeping perfectly fine in my bed, and then I started scratching. I scratched my arms, I scratched my face. I heard a high-pitched buzzing sound next to my ear and immediately got up and ran to my sister's room, because I knew I had been bitten by a mosquito. Not wanting to actually stop sleeping, I went to my sister's empty/full bed (empty as in, not occupied by a human, but full as in, full of junk) and pushed the random boxes and books away and buried my face into the edge of the bed and got some Z's. Unfortunately, I was too drowsy to remember to close the door, so the mosquito followed me and continued to suck my blood away. From my face. Around 4 AM I finally decided to get out, so I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. I was supposed to go volunteer at school at 8 AM, but after checking the state of my face in the mirror, I decided not to go. Why? because it looked like parts of my face were swollen/ had REALLY bad acne, which was not the impression I wanted to give some of my friends who I had not seen for 2 months.
Like I said, I was downstairs, eating my cereal on the couch. "Well, this is fun," I though sarcastically. Then, I noticed a blue and yellow DVD sitting on the coffee table in front of me. It was "500 Days of Summer". I popped it in the DVD player and watched all the commercials. Yes, all of them. Why? because I was drowsy, and I didn't care.
Before pressing "Play Movie", I turned on the subtitles. (I can't remember exactly, but) The options were, "Spanish Subtitles", "French Subtitles", or "English subtitles for the deaf or stupid". Thanks.
The movie starts off with a male narrator saying how "This is of a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom..........................", while showing childhood clips of the boy (Tom Hansen, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and girl (Summer Finn, played by Zooey Deschanel) and ends the first narration part with "...but you should know upfront, that this isn't a love story." Before every major scene in the movie, there is a number, indicating what day it is. Tom meets summer on Day (1). The reason why I put parentheses on that number is because that's how the movie does it. It then jumps around, so be sure watch what day it is, otherwise you may get confused.
The whole story line is this: Tom meets Summer, who he believes is "the one" for him. He thinks that they are compatible together, and he is sure that it was fate that brought them together. Summer, on the other hand, doesn't believe in fate, destiny, or even true love. (According to my memory, ) When she asks how Tom could be so sure that love even exists, he says, "You'll know it when you feel it," and stares intently into her eyes. She replies, "Well, I guess we can just agree to disagree," and the disappointment is clear in his face. Anyway, Tom eventually wins her over, and they start dating. Unfortunately, "life happens", and things don't go Tom's way. You'll just have to watch to find out.
"500 Days of Summer" is witty, realistic, and thought-provoking. Before watching this movie, I didn't really think about, or develop an opinion about fate, true love, etc. Whether you agree with the ending of the movie or not, after you watch it, you'll most likely have a better understanding of yourself.
Now, onto my favorite quote from the movie:
"Roses are red, Violets are blue, Fuck you, whore."